Q: I can’t find the link/email to the class. What should I do?
A: Links are sent via email from happycorenmore.com. The links are sent generally within 24 hours of an order on the website. Please check your spam/trash folder, and you can also search in the search bar for the monthly class link. There are separate links for the Tuesday/Thursday class, the Wednesday class, and the Friday class. The links you purchase for Club membership will work for that entire month. If you click on the “yes” to accept the invitation, it will populate to your Google calendar (and the email may disappear, depending on your email client settings), and be ready for you to access through your calendar on any given day. You can get to Google Calendar by installing the APP on your phone or typing calendar.google.com in your browser address window. If you don’t want to use Google calendar, don’t click “yes” or “no” in the invite email.
Q: Can I get a new link?
A: We are happy to resend a monthly club link that you have lost. First we have to “uninvite” you and then “reinvite” you in order to generate a new invitation if you were already in our system for the month. As members enjoy being able to come on the meeting early , Sylvia is generally unable to send links just before class as the camera is already up and running. Rest assured, you will be sent the class recording in a timely fashion, as usual. We’d hate for anyone to miss a workout!
Q: How long can I use my recordings?
A: Recordings will be live and able to be accessed through the email sent to you following the class for a minimum of 3 days days. Some classes are now available for purchase through the website that are downloadable and yours to enjoy as often and as long as you like.
Q: If I can’t find my recording email, can I find it on the website?
A: At this time, the recordings are accessible only through the email sent to you. Remember that the email will come from “happycorenmore@gmail.com” and it is possible that it went into your spam folder. All register monthly members will be sent a recording for their respective Club (Silver members will receive T/Th recordings and Gold members will receive all recordings). We will notify you down the road if this changes.
Q: What do I do if Zoom tells me the organizer is in another meeting?
A: If you see this prior to class time, Sylvia may actually be finishing up another class. If so, the other class would typically finish around 15 minutes before the next class starts. Another possibility is that you may have clicked on a class link for a different day–it’s a good practice to Leave Meeting, verify you are using the correct link, and re-join.
Q: I have a question about an exercise. I don’t want to interrupt the class, but I would like my question answered. What should I do?
A: Please email or text Sylvia right away with your question as she is eager and happy to answer those questions! The exercises are adaptable to any level and are very specific, so if you need clarification, please do so sooner rather than later to derive the best results from your program. Safety and effectiveness is enhanced with proper form. You are also welcome to unmute yourself after class and ask questions about exercises then.
Q: My friends want to do Pilates. Can I send them my links and purchased downloaded classes?
A: Much like a movie ticket, class admission is for the student who purchased it. As the classes are already offered at a deeply discounted price it is much appreciated if you would let Sylvia know if you have friends who may like to join, and she would be happy to send them a link to one of our class recording so they can try it out! If there is a family member/spouse living at home who would like to join in, the Club memberships are per household/computer. Thank you for telling your friends about us and referring them to the website.
Q: I am new to Zoom and not sure about the etiquette. Should I mute myself or hide my camera? Is it OK to talk during class?
A: There is a small microphone icon that you can turn on or off. Sylvia will mute everyone before the class and recording starts, however you’ll be able to unmute yourself if there is a problem that needs to be rectified or if there is any safety concern or problem that you would like addressed. Having your camera on or off is personal preference but we enjoy seeing you. Remember this is not so much a business meeting, more like recess. (And you are small on the screen.) Before class is a great time for any exercise requests or questions, and after class is a great time for visiting with other members, questions, or exercise requests for the next class. Staying on after class to visit is encouraged and makes the live class unique and much like walking out of an in person class with your friends. Also you you will get to meet people in other cities and states so it is a great way to keep your day interesting!
Q: Do you recommend playing music? Will you play music?
A: Music is a very individual in terms of style and volume, and we have found that the quality is by far the best when you play it on your own system in your own home. Some people prefer no music at all so they can fully focus on the exercises and other people find music greatly enhances the experience. For many of us, something without a lot of words or not too catchy at a low to medium volume tends to work very well for yoga and Pilates. The spa station, classical, piano or instrumental, smooth jazz, chill electronica, and many more I can work beautifully! Have fun with this! For Rebekahs cardio add-on and for the Gold member sculpt or cardio bonus classes, dance or upbeat music can be extremely inspiring and make you work harder!
Q: What does “scoop” mean? I hear that a lot in class.
A: “Scooping” is a term that refers to drawing the abdominals both in and up. You might think of it as an ice cream scoop going from the pelvic floor up toward the sternum. Think of your core as a cylinder. It is important to visualize your body three dimensionally as you practice your exercises. Repetition and concentration will help tremendously to gain muscle memory and keep you strong and safe in your every day activities.
Q: I hear of people getting taller from practicing yoga and Pilates. What is that about?
A: While you will not actually grow taller than when you finished growing, many regain lost height through strengthening the core and invigorating the spine. Posture becomes greatly improved. We are happy to share research/articles on this topic if you are interested.
Q: What does “classical” Pilates mean?
A: Generally, this refers to the original exercises designed the by the late Joseph Pilates in the order he recommended in his book “Return to Health through Contrology” (detailing his system of health by controlling the body with the mind.)
Q: I’m not flexible. Can I do yoga, Pilates or should I only do walking or rest on the couch?
A: You will become more and more flexible with regular intelligent practice and by not forcing the body to do any posture or exercise that does not feel right. Your body was designed to move and “movement heals!” It is best to do some exercise every day. No need to overtrain, but most of us could use more movement. A rest day every week may include gentle walking, simple stretching, gardening, and the like. Those with the heaviest or high impact training routines benefit especially from a rest day.
Q: Can I do “in person” classes or is this program “Zoom only?”
A: Local guidelines (such as distancing , limited group size, masks except when exercising) are carefully followed so this is an evolving question. When Sylvia is in town (home base is Santa Barbara), in person classes at Shoreline Park or other venues may be offered for you to enjoy a live “in person” class while on Zoom (you can be on or off camera-completely your choice). If Sylvia is traveling in your area, you are welcome and encouraged to do your class “in person.” Variety in our settings can be helpful at encouraging consistency.
Q: Is this program temporary because of co-vid?
A: This program was created in March 2020 to help meet our quarantine exercise and social needs. The “workout from home” option without the high cost of an in-home trainer has proved so successful that this Zoom program will now be a permanent and regular offering, regardless of gyms reopening. Many enjoy the privacy, cleanliness and the savings in time and gas that working out from home offers. There is no joining fee and it is easy to upgrade to the Gold program or take specialty classes as your time allows. And the live Zoom format-with every day class being a bit different keeps things fresh and evolving, just like “in person” classes. It also allows you to invite and practice with friends and family members and other cities and states. Many members have reported that their consistency is greatly improved with the Happy Core Zoom classes as recordings are sent after class so it is easy to make up any missed sessions.
Q: How do I get the best results from this program?
A: We like to joke that the hardest part of class is “showing up,” but it is really that simple. Show up regularly and get your money’s worth, either two classes per week or four classes per week. If your body can move a bit more, add walking or something heart pumping that you love like pickle ball, Rebekah’s cardio class, biking, swimming, etc. These are all beautiful compliments to Pilates and yoga. Do the recording on the weekend or do the stretch portion before bed. Tell your friends and family that you are doing this program and that will increase your accountability as they may be asking you how it’s going! If you have a spouse or a roommate or a child at home, have them join you as your membership includes your household. Get your music, mat, props, etc. all ready so it becomes a healthy and happy have it to look forward to. This is an important investment of your time (and each workout is less than the cost of a latte) to reap great rewards in your well-being and health, so make it a priority!
To your health!